1 Foundation Strip Footings (UK) 
.png) |
2 Hosted Sweep-Floor Slab Edge-Rectangle (NZ) 
.png) |
3 Slab Edge-Thickened (M) 
.png) |
4 Wall Cap-Coping (UK) 
.png) |
5 Brick Soldier (UK) 
.png) |
6 Brick Soldier-Cant (UK) 
.png) |
7 Brick Solider-Bullnose (UK) 
.png) |
8 Generic Banding (UK) 
.png) |
9 Circular Hollow Sections-Profile 
10 L-Angles-Profile 
11 PFC-Parallel Flange Channels-Profile 
12 Pipes-Profile 
13 Purlin DHS-200x75 (NZ) 
.png) |
14 Rectangular and Square Hollow Sections-Profile 
15 TFB-Tapered Flange Beams-Profile 
16 TFC-Tapered Flange Channels-Profile 
17 UB-Universal Beams-Profile 
18 UC-Universal Columns-Profile 
19 Slab Edge-Metal Angle (M) 
.png) |
20 Timber Decking (UK) 
.png) |
21 Handrail (M) 
.png) |
22 Handrail-Circular (M) 
.png) |
23 Handrail-Elipse (UK) 
.png) |
24 Handrail-Moulded Bevelled (UK) 
.png) |
25 Handrail-Moulded Domestic (UK) 
.png) |
26 Handrail-Rectangular (M) 
.png) |
27 Handrail-Rectangular-Rounded (UK) 
.png) |
28 Handrail-Triangular (UK) 
.png) |
29 Hedge (UK) 
.png) |
30 Stair Nosing-Pan (M) 
.png) |
31 Stair Nosing-Radius (M) 
.png) |
32 Solar Shading Blade (UK) 
.png) |
33 Door Panel Moulding-Bevel Cut (UK) 
.png) |
34 Window Glazing Bead (UK) 
.png) |
35 Timber Dressed-Flat (NZ) 
.png) |
36 Timber Dressed-Rectangular (NZ) 
.png) |
37 Fascia-Built-Up (M) 
.png) |
38 Fascia-Flat (M) 
.png) |
39 Gutter-Bevel (M) 
.png) |
40 Gutter-Cove (M) 
.png) |
41 Gutter-Half Round (UK) 
.png) |
42 Gutter-Rectangular (M) 
.png) |
43 Hosted Sweep-Roof Fascia-BevelSpouting (NZ) 
.png) |
44 Hosted Sweep-Roof Fascia-CalderStewart 175-Box (NZ) 
.png) |
45 Curtain Wall Mullion-Rectangular-Center (M) 
.png) |
46 Curtain Wall Mullion-Rectangular-Side-BottomLeft (M) 
.png) |
47 Curtain Wall Mullion-Rectangular-Side-TopRight (M) 
.png) |
48 Architrave-Bevelled (UK) 
.png) |
49 Architrave-Chamfered (UK) 
.png) |
50 Architrave-Ogee (UK) 
.png) |
51 Architrave-Ovolo (UK) 
.png) |
52 Architrave-Rounded (UK) 
.png) |
53 Architrave-Torus (UK) 
.png) |
54 Convex Quadrant (UK) 
.png) |
55 Cornice-Angled (UK) 
.png) |
56 Cornice-Modern (UK) 
.png) |
57 Cornice-Traditional 01 (UK) 
.png) |
58 Cornice-Traditional 02 (UK) 
.png) |
59 Cornice-Traditional 03 (UK) 
.png) |
60 Moulding-Astragal (UK) 
.png) |
61 Moulding-Dado (UK) 
.png) |
62 Picture Rail-Bevelled (UK) 
.png) |
63 Picture Rail-Chamfered (UK) 
.png) |
64 Picture Rail-Curved (UK) 
.png) |
65 Picture Rail-Rounded (UK) 
.png) |
66 Skirting-Bevelled (UK) 
.png) |
67 Skirting-Chamfered (UK) 
.png) |
68 Skirting-Ogee (UK) 
.png) |
69 Skirting-Ovolo (UK) 
.png) |
70 Skirting-Rounded (UK) 
.png) |
71 Skirting-Torus (UK) 
.png) |
72 Moulding Architrave-Colonial (NZ) 
.png) |
73 Kerb-45 deg splayed (UK) 
.png) |
74 Kerb-Bullnosed (UK) 
.png) |
75 Kerb-Flat Top (UK) 
.png) |
76 Kerb-Half Battered (UK) 
.png) |
77 Bevelled 
78 Chamfered 
79 Ogee 
80 Ovolo 
81 Rounded 
82 Torus 
83 Brick Soldier 
84 Bullnose Brick Soldier 
85 Cant Brick Soldier 
86 Generic Banding 
87 Angled 
88 Modern 
89 Traditional (1) 
.png) |
90 Traditional (2) 
.png) |
91 Traditional (3) 
.png) |
92 M_Curtain Wall Mullion-Rectangular-Center 
93 M_Curtain Wall Mullion-Rectangular-Side-Bottom_Left 
94 M_Curtain Wall Mullion-Rectangular-Side-Top_Right 
95 Mullion -Rectangular - Side - Bottom - Left 
96 Mullion - Rectangular - Center 
97 Mullion - Rectangular - Side - Top - Right 
98 Bevell Cut 
99 Glazing Bead 
100 45 deg splayed 
101 Bullnosed 
102 Flat Top Edging 
103 Half Battered 
104 M_Cornice-EIFS 
105 M_Cornice-Metal Panel 
106 M_Cornice-Precast 
107 M_Parapet Cap-Precast 
108 M_Reveal-Brick Course 
109 M_Sill-Precast 
110 M_Wall Sweep-Brick Course 
111 M_Wall Sweep-Brick Soldier Course 
112 M_Wall Sweep-CMU Course 
113 Astragal 
114 Convex Quadrant 
115 Dado 
116 Picture Rail - Bevelled 
117 Picture Rail - Chamfered 
118 Picture Rail - Curved 
119 Picture Rail - Rounded 
120 Timber Decking 
121 Fascia - Flat 
122 Fascia-Built - Up 
123 Gutter - Bevel 
124 Gutter - Cove 
125 Gutter - Rectangular 
126 Gutter Half Round 
127 M_Fascia-Built-Up 
128 M_Fascia-Flat 
129 M_Gutter - Bevel 
130 M_Gutter - Cove 
131 M_Gutter - Rectangular 
132 Foundation Strip Footings 
133 Bevelled 
134 Chamfered 
135 Ogee 
136 Ovolo 
137 Rounded 
138 Torus 
139 Circular Handrail (1) 
.png) |
140 Circular Handrail (2) 
.png) |
141 Elipse Handrail 
142 Handrail 
143 Hedge 
144 Moulded Domestic BaseRail 
145 Moulded Domestic HandRail 
146 Rectangular Handrail - Rounded 
147 Rectangular Handrail 
148 Solar Shading Blade 
149 Square Handrail 
150 Stair Nosing - Pan 
151 Stair Nosing - Radius 
152 Triangular Rail 
153 M_Circular Handrail 
154 M_Handrail 
155 M_Rectangular Handrail 
156 M_Stair Nosing - Pan 
157 M_Stair Nosing - Radius 
158 M_Slab Edge-Metal Angle 
159 M_Slab Edge-Thickened 
160 Slab Edge - Metal Angle 
161 Slab Edge - Thickened 
162 C-Channels-Profile 
163 Circular Hollow Sections-Profile 
164 L-Angles-Profile 
165 PFCH-Parallel Flange Channels-Profile 
166 RSJ-Rolled Steel Joists-Profile 
167 Rectangular and Square Hollow Sections-Profile 
168 T-Tees from Universal Beams-Profile 
169 T-Tees from Universal Columns-Profile 
170 UB-Universal Beams-Profile 
171 UBP-Universal Bearing Piles-Profile 
172 UC-Universal Columns-Profile 
173 UB-Universal Beam-Profile 
174 UB 
175 Coping 